Mixed Martial Arts or MMA has recently gained a lot of popularity. From being a sport to movies being made across the globe on the sport, Mixed Martial Arts is being sought by many sports person. MMA has its roots in ancient Greece. Over time, it has transformed from being a no-holds barred fighting event to an international sport governed by rules. MMA has mainly three forms of fighting styles – striking, wrestling and ground submission. These styles can comprise of either of the following fighting disciplines.
Muay Thai
Greco Wrestling
Freestyle Wrestling
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu; and others.
A fighter can choose any one or combination of these styles to compete in an MMA competition.
Mixed martial arts fighters are some of the toughest wrestlers in the ring. Apart from being just an MMA wrestler, to get through rounds and win a competition they should possess a myriad of skills. The ability to analyze their competition and the stamina to stand through the rounds makes it more challenging. Fighters should have incredible endurance, strength, and power.
Because of its format, MMA enthusiasts have to go through an intense workout. This not only challenges them to stay in shape but pushes them to the edge. Some people get attracted towards the sport not for the thrill of the competition, but because of the challenge of the workout. People choose to train in mixed martial arts not to fight but to build themselves. The exercise regime, the skills, forces them to
stay in shape, and a great one at that too!
Mixed martial arts give you the option to train your body in disciplines that suits your body. To train and excel in combinations that allows you to use your specific strengths. To elaborate, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Sambo and Boxing might be a good combination for one person, but it might be more strenuous for someone else. It is not about excelling a given form of fighting, mixed martial arts is about choosing the right fighting style or combination for your body.